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RetinAL - An Upgrade on Retinol

RetinAL is estimated to be up to 20 times more effective than retinol and we are all about efficacy. 

RetinAL Skin Therapy Barefaced retinaldehyde product

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RetinAL Skin
RetinAL Skin

How is retinAL more potent than retinol? 

First, let's breakdown retinoids.

The umbrella term “retinoid” is used for all Vitamin A derivatives (ex: retinol, retinAL, prescription strength Retin-A). What differentiates them is their strength and how many conversions they must go through to become active and effective on the skin. The fewer conversions, the more potent and effective the retinoid will be.

 Conversion Line Up:

Retinol → RetinAL (Retinaldehyde) → Retinoic Acid

In order for a retinoid to work its magic and actually induce change in the skin, it has to be in the form of retinoic acid. Retinol must convert to retinAL and then convert to retinoic acid before it can be utilized by the skin.

How retinoid conversion works infographic

RetinAL only goes through one conversion phase to become retinoic acid; making it the closest and most potent retinoid available without going into prescription-strength territory.

Retinoic acid (Tretinoin, retin-A) is prescription only and starts working immediately upon application, no conversions necessary. Because of this, it can be aggravating for certain skin types, causing dryness, sensitivity and irritation, ultimately not being well tolerated. This is why many avoid prescription retinoids because the skin struggles to adjust to consistent use without the side effects. Consistent use is key when it comes to retinoids. The best retinoid is the one you will use consistently.

Retinoid strengths infographic

RetinAL Skin Therapy being applied to face


Why should you choose retinAL over retinol?

RetinAL, although stronger than retinol, is actually better tolerated by most skin types with less dryness and irritation, making it our favorite go-to retinoid on the market!

RetinAL is estimated to be up to 20 times more effective than retinol! However, unlike Tretinoin (retinoic acid), it causes less skin irritation, flaking, redness and dryness with use.


It is a great option for the majority of skin types, even sensitive and/or rosacea-prone skin types! Avoid if you are pregnant or nursing.

A few of the many benefits of RetinAL:

    • Reduces the appearance of fine lines + wrinkles by increasing collagen production
    • Improves skin tone + texture for smoother, firmer looking skin
    • Aids in fading sun spots and smoothing out rough patches on the skin
    • Increases cellular turnover, which can minimize breakouts
    • Stimulates production of new blood vessels on the skin, which improves the color of the skin
    • Added bakuchiol complements RetinAL Skin Therapy to reduce sensitivity, improve tolerability and allow it to work longer + more effectively on the skin

RetinAL Skin Therapy benefits infographic

How to incorporate into your skincare routine:

The key when starting ANY retinoid is to start it slowly and gradually. We recommend starting 3 nights per week on alternating days and gradually working up to 5-7 nights per week.


Apply after your serums in your evening routine. You can apply moisturizer/facial oil after based on your skin’s hydration needs.

TIP: An added bonus is that retinAL is gentle enough to be used around the eyes and on the neck & chest, which are areas that tend to be neglected with retinoid use because they are more sensitive/reactive. 

RetinAL Skin Therapy with Jordan



  1. Mukherjee, Siddharth et al. “Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety.” Clinical interventions in aging vol. 1,4 (2006): 327-48. doi:10.2147/ciia.2006.1.4.327
  2. Saurat JH, Didierjean L, Masgrau E, Piletta PA, Jaconi S, Chatellard-Gruaz D, Gumowski D, Masouyé I, Salomon D, Siegenthaler G. "Topical retinaldehyde on human skin: biologic effects and tolerance." J Invest Dermatol. 1994 Dec;103(6):770-4. doi: 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12412861. PMID: 7798613.
  3. Creidi P, Humbert P. "Clinical use of topical retinaldehyde on photoaged skin." Dermatology. 1999;199 Suppl 1:49-52. doi: 10.1159/000051379. PMID: 10473961.

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