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What makes RetinAL Skin Therapy stand out?
Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that increase cellular turnover, which causes our skin to regenerate more quickly, thus making skin look more youthful, vibrant, and refreshed.
Retinoids are fundamental in your skincare routine for long-term skin health, so when formulating RetinAL Skin Therapy, we developed it to contain a time-released delivery system. What does that mean? Let's break it down...
Reasons to Love Time Release
With RetinAL Skin Therapy continuously working over a period of several hours, it:
- protects the potency of the RetinAL.
- minimizes irritation, helping you be more compliant with usage.
- allows for a more targeted delivery of active ingredients.
- penetrates deep into the skin allowing the retinoid to yield better results.
Why RST is a Bare Necessity
RetinAL Skin Therapy is one of the four products included in The Bare Necessities because after daily SPF, it’s the top product for any skincare routine, for every skin type, and any skin concern. (And the holy-grail for anti-aging!)
We recommend that everyone over the age of 25 use a retinoid. Plus, if you struggle with acne at any age, retinoids are one of the most recommended treatments!
Benefits of Retinoids:
- Reduces the appearance of fine lines + wrinkles by increasing collagen production
- Improves skin tone + texture for smoother, firmer looking skin
- Aids in fading sun spots and smoothing out rough patches on the skin
- Increases cellular turnover, which can minimize breakouts
- Stimulates production of new blood vessels on the skin, which improves the color of the skin
*Not recommended for use during pregnancy, but always consult with your OB.
Usage Tips for Retinoids
1) Introduce gradually–Start with 3x per week on alternating nights to see how your skin adapts. RetinAL Skin Therapy is an estimated 20x stronger than retinol, but we added bakuchiol in our formulation to help make RST much more tolerable. Increase usage one night a week until you can handle 5-7 nights as desired. (Meaning, stop with 3-4 nights/week if that’s all you can tolerate!)
2) Use only at night–Sunlight can break down the vitamin A, rendering it unstable. This decreases the potency and effectiveness of the product!
3) Order of Operations–Apply after serums, and top off with a moisturizer, like Hydrating Lotion, to combat dryness.
4) Allowed anywhere–RetinAL Skin Therapy is gentle enough to be used around the eyes, plus on the neck and chest! Helping boost cellular turnover in these sensitive areas where using prescription-strength retinoids should be avoided.
How long until you see results?
Be patient.
It can take 6 weeks to BEGIN to see a difference in the texture and appearance of your skin. Depending on you skin type and skin history, it can take up to 3-6 months to notice more dramatic changes in sun damage and fine lines/wrinkles treatment.